Hi. I'm Erick – a Software Engineer,
tech enthusiast, and Computer Science
student at the University of Florida.

Welcome to my personal site! This will
serve as a directory for my projects,
which you can check out below.

My resume and email address are also
below. Feel free to contact me for any
collaboration / employment inquiries.

Hi. I'm Erick – a Software Engineer,
tech enthusiast, and Computer Science
student at the University of Florida.

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Description: An easy to use webpage that allows you to plan out your team for Pokemon games. Features include filtering by region and by type, along with searching by name. This tool utilizes the PoGo API to retreive relevant data such as Pokemon IDs, names, and types.

Havoc in the
Solar System
Description: A videogame about an astronaut who gets stranded in space and needs to collect enough fuel to continue his mission. Created using the Unity API and game engine, C# for scripting things such as game mechanics, and Photoshop for asset creation.
Download Instructions:
  1. Click the download button above.
  2. Extract the ZIP file to your preferred location.
  3. (Optional) Right click on "Havoc in the Solar System.exe" and create a shortcut on your desktop.
  4. Click the EXE file or the shortcut to open up the game.
  5. Use WASD or ARROW KEYS to move, and SPACE to jump.